Saturday, 2 December 2017

Spanish chicken pie


1kg potatoes, slashed
3 tsp paprika (utilize smoked paprika on the off chance that you have it)
2 tsp olive oil
2 onions, cut
2 garlic cloves, pounded
2 x 400g jars slashed tomatoes
300g cooked chicken, destroyed
140g simmered pepper from a jug, cut (we like Karyatis)
modest bunch Kalamata olives, split


Warmth stove to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Heat up the potatoes for 15-20 mins until delicate. Deplete, come back to the container, at that point squash with some flavoring and 2 tsp of the paprika.

In the interim, warm the oil in a substantial container, at that point rotisserie the onions and garlic for a couple of mins until mellowed. Mix in the rest of the paprika for 1 min, include the tomatoes , at that point, convey to a stew. Tip into an expansive ovenproof dish, at that point blend in the chicken, peppers, olives and some flavoring.

Spoon over the squash, at that point heat for 15 mins until the point when the pound is brilliant to finish everything and the sauce is foaming.

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